MEGT Group Training - Hire an Apprentice or Trainee

"Hiring an apprentice has allowed me to invest in my company's future while benefiting from a fresh perspective and motivated learner."

Thinking about hiring an apprentice or trainee?

Invest in your future workforce with apprentices and trainees. They offer fresh perspectives, valuable skills, and a commitment to growth, leading to increased productivity and efficiency. This allows you to focus on managing your business with confidence, knowing your team is well-equipped.

The MEGT difference

MEGT takes the hassle out of securing and managing quality apprentices and trainees, so you can focus on running your business. Since 1982, we’ve been making it easy for employers to find the right people.

As a registered Group Training Organisation (GTO), we directly employ the apprentice or trainee and place them with host employers like yourself.

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What we do

Your business gets a screened, suitable and job-ready candidate while you provide on-the-job training and supervision as they work towards a nationally accredited qualification.

And our ongoing support is proven to be effective. Our data, gleaned from over 40 years of experience, demonstrates that MEGT apprentices and trainees achieve significantly higher completion rates than the national average.

  • Personalise screening and recruitment to best fit your business needs
  • Manage the apprentice’s or trainee’s wages
  • Manage work performance on an ongoing basis
  • Manage health and safety and training requirements
  • Mentoring for you and your apprentice or trainee
Let MEGT help you

Finding your next apprentice or trainee has never been easier. Let us help you plan your workforce now.

"It saved me time and resources, and I now have a valuable member of the team who is growing and learning alongside our company."

Fill out the form below to get started!

Contact us today to find out more!