What financial help is available?

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What financial help is available?

While there are some costs involved in completing an apprenticeship or traineeship, a range of financial assistance is available to help apprentices and trainees commence and complete their qualifications.

Financial incentives have been designed to ease cost-of-living expenses, help purchase ‘tools of the trade’, and help boost skills in priority occupations, as laid out in the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List (Priority List). 

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    Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment

    The Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment (AATSP) provides direct financial support to eligible Australian Apprentices (apprentices) commencing an Australian Apprenticeship in priority occupations.

    Eligible full-time apprentices working in a priority occupation can claim up to a maximum of $5,000 over a two-year period. Eligible part-time apprentices can claim up to a maximum of $2,500.

    The AATSP is also available to existing workers, provided the following eligibility conditions are met.

    Am I eligible?

    To be eligible for the AATSP, an apprentice must:

    • Have commenced or recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship on or after 1 July 2024; or
    • Recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship with their original employer on or after 1 July 2024, where the period of cancellation or suspension was greater than six months; and
    • Be undertaking a qualification at the Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level which is aligned to an occupation listed on the Priority List at the date of commencement or recommencement

    In addition to the above requirements, the Australian Apprentice must not be in receipt of the New Energy Apprentice Support Payment (NEASP) for the same Australian Apprenticeship.

    For further information about the AATSP, including payment rates download our factsheet.

    Requirement for Tax File Number declaration

    The AATSP is considered a taxable payment, therefore amounts received into an apprentice's bank account may differ.

    A Tax File Number Declaration MUST be provided to avoid tax being withheld at the highest marginal rate, as required by the Australian Taxation Office.

    For further information about completing your Tax File Number Declaration download our TFN factsheet.

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    New Energy Apprentice Support Payment

    The New Energy Apprentice Support Payment (NEASP) is designed to encourage Australian Apprentices (apprentices) to choose clean energy careers.

    The NEASP provides up to a maximum of $10,000 in direct financial assistance, over the life of the Australian Apprenticeship, to apprentices commencing in an occupation listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List (Priority List) and identified as a clean energy occupation.

    Am I eligible? 

    To be eligible for the NEASP, an apprentice must meet all primary eligibility criteria and must be:

    • Undertaking a Certificate III, IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma level qualification listed on the Priority List; and 
    • Training towards an occupation identified as a clean energy occupation on the Priority List; and
    • commenced or recommenced their Australian Apprenticeship, with a new employer, on or after 1 June 2024; and
    • Not be undertaking a previously completed qualification OR undertaking a qualification that supersedes a previously completed qualification, unless completed more than seven years ago or completed overseas

    Additionally, the apprentice’s employer or Group Training Organisation must demonstrate:

    • Business engagement and operation in the clean energy sector; and
    • The apprentice will be provided with meaningful exposure, experience, and work in the clean energy sector, appropriate to skill level and/or off-the-job training; and

    A signed declaration must be received from:

    • The apprentice stating their commitment to participate in two onsite workplace site checks (conducted by MEGT Apprentice Connect Provider) and providing ongoing exposure, experience and work in the clean energy sector; and
    • Their employer stating their commitment to participate in two onsite workplace site checks (conducted by MEGT Apprentice Connect Provider) and providing ongoing exposure, experience and work in the clean energy sector; and
    • The apprentice must be in training with their employer on the claim period end date

    In addition to the above requirements, the Australian Apprentice must not be in receipt of the Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment (AATSP) for the same Australian Apprenticeship.

    For further information about the NEASP, including payment rates download our factsheet.

    Requirement for Tax File Number declaration

    The NEASP is considered a taxable payment, therefore amounts received into an apprentice’s bank account may differ.

    A Tax File Number Declaration must be provided to avoid tax being withheld at the highest marginal rate, as required by the Australian Taxation Office.

    For further information about completing your Tax File Number Declaration download our TFN factsheet.

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    Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans

    Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans (AASL) provide an incentive for young Australians to become an apprentice or trainees and offer support for current apprentices to help complete their skills training.

    The Australian Government offers a loan of up to $25,643 over the life of an apprenticeship to Australian Apprentices (apprentices) who are undertaking a qualification that leads to an occupational outcome on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List (Priority List). These loans are designed to ease the financial burden and help increase apprenticeship completion rates.

    Like HELP loans for tertiary students, the loans will be repayable once apprentices are earning a sustainable income.

    Am I eligible?

    AASL are available to all apprentices undertaking working in priority occupations listed on the Priority List, including non-trade occupations.

    Payment information

    From 1 July 2024, the monthly installment rates are as follows:

    • First year $10,257 (12 monthly payments of $854.78)
    • Second year $7,693 (12 monthly payments of $641.08)
    • Third year $5,129 (12 monthly payments of $427.39)
    • Fourth year (and beyond) $2,564 (12 monthly payments of $213.69)

    AASL are to be repaid via the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) once apprentices have reached the minimum income threshold. For the 2024-2025 financial year, the repayment threshold is $54,435.

    Australian Apprentices who complete their qualification will receive a 20 percent discount on their total loan amount.

    To find out more about Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans, please view:

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    Living Away From Home Allowance

    The Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA) is for eligible full-time or part-time Australian Apprentices of any age during the first three years of training if an apprentice needs to move away from your parental or legal guardian’s home for the first time in order to:

    • Take up an Australian Apprenticeship; or
    • Remain in an Australian Apprenticeship; or
    • Receive essential supplementary on-the-job training with another employer.

    Apprentices may also be eligible to receive the LAFHA if they are undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship and they are, or become, homeless.

    The allowance is not available to Australian Apprentices who:

    • Have lodged a claim for Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY; or
    • Receive rental or accommodation assistance from Centrelink or their employer; or
    • Moved away from their parental or legal guardian’s home three months or more before starting their Australian Apprenticeship

    For further information about the LAFHA, including payment rates visit the apprenticeships.gov.au website.

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    Low Income Health Care Card

    Australian Apprentices (apprentices) may qualify for a Low Income Health Care Card which entitles access to cheaper prescription medicines under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).  

    To be eligible for a Low Income Health Care Card apprentices must meet the Australian residence rules, including on the day you claim you must be: 

    • Living in Australia
    • Physically in Australia


    Apprentices must one of the following:

    • Australian citizenship
    • A permanent visa
    • A Special Category visa
    • A certain temporary visa, that is a partner provisional or temporary protection type visa

    For further information about the Low Income Health Care Card, visit Services Australia.

Accessing financial support and making a claim 

Eligible apprentices can lodge their claims through the Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS). Apprentices need only set up their ADMS account once to lodge all claim types.

For assistance registering for an ADMS account or using ADMS visit our guide to ADMS.

You may also be eligible for the following Government financial incentives and assistance depending on your State:

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    New South Wales

    Travel concessions

    Eligible first, second and third-year apprentices and new entrant trainees may be entitled to a Transport Concession Card.

    Visit training.nsw.gov.au for more information.

    Travel and accommodation assistance

    Apprentices and new entrant trainees may be eligible for travel and accommodation assistance if they need to travel more than a 120km round trip to attend day or block release with their Registered Training Organisation.

    Visit www.training.nsw.gov.au for more information.

    Rebate on car registration for apprentices

    First and second-year apprentices may be eligible to receive a $100 rebate on their car registration.

    Visit rta.nsw.gov.au for more information.

    Continuing apprentice placement service

    Apprentices and trainees in skills shortages occupations and affected by economic downturn may register their details for a free job matching service.

    Visit training.nsw.gov.au or apprenticeships.gov.au for more information.

    The Way Ahead Program for Aboriginal People

    The Way Ahead for Aboriginal People Program is a free service for Aboriginal apprentices and trainees who need additional support in the workplace.

    Visit training.nsw.gov.au for more information.

    ​​​​​​Smart and Skilled 

    Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:

    • An entitlement to government-subsidised training up to and including Certificate III
    • Government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.

    Visit smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au for more information.

    Regional scholarship - NSW Country Apprentice Scholarships

    A Scholarship is available in NSW to provide financial assistance to eligible country NSW apprentices to support their apprenticeship training. This Scholarship pays $5,000 for each year the apprentice is completing training to a maximum of $15,000.

    At least 10 Scholarships are awarded each year.  At least two of these are awarded to apprentices of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.

    Eligibility includes apprentices who are:

    • In the 1st year of an approved apprenticeship
    • A resident in country NSW for the term of their apprenticeship
    • Is registered in NSW under the Apprenticeship & Traineeship Act 2001
    • Preferably working in a skill shortage category in NSW and or the apprentice’s local area.

    Nominations close 30th April each calendar year. Contact us for more information.

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    Travel and accommodation assistance

    Apprentices and trainees (not including school-based) may be eligible for travel and accommodation assistance where they are required to travel at least 100km (return trip) to attend training at the closest RTO to their residence.

    Visit www.training.qld.gov.au for more information.

    Registered Trade Skills Pathway Construction Pilot 

    This pilot is aimed at assisting non-qualified workers in a number of construction trades to build on their existing skills, knowledge and experience to gain a trade qualification.

    It enables individuals over the age of 21 to undertake training and a work-based trade skills pathway that best suits their particular situation.

    The pilot is for Queensland labourers and assistants currently working in bricklaying, carpentry, painting, plastering or tiling trades.

    Visit www.training.qld.gov.au for more information.

    Fee-free training for Year 12 graduates

    Year 12 graduates can access fee-free training for Certificate III apprenticeships or traineeships in high priority areas under the Real Opportunities Action Plan.

    Visit www.training.qld.gov.au for more information.

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    Skills First

    The Skills First program supports apprentices, workers seeking retraining, those needing extra support and regional students seeking courses in their local area.

    The program offers:

    • Support for apprentices and trainees
    • Retraining and upskilling opportunities for older workers
    • High quality training
    • Support for disadvantaged students

    Skills First can help students research courses, choose the right training provider, or check eligibility for a government-subsidised training place. You can find a list of Victorian training providers here.

    Skills and Jobs Centres are also located at TAFE campuses to help students looking to start training, or workers wanting to re-skill or retrain. They offer:

    • Advice about apprenticeships and traineeships
    • Job search skills training and resume preparation assistance
    • Career and training plan advice

    Support for disadvantaged students

    Sometimes, young people require extra support and assistance in areas such as literacy, health and accommodation. They may qualify for help under the Reconnect program which provides funds for such services.

    Victorian trade apprentice car registration discount

    If you’re a trade apprentice using your car for work, you may be eligible to get 100% off your registration renewal.

    Free registration from 1 July 2023 for eligible trade apprentices.

    If you’re a trade apprentice using your car for work, you may be eligible to get 100% off your registration renewal. Please note: Registration renewals due on or before 30 June 2023 will only be eligible to receive a 50% discount.

    You must also:

    • Be enrolled in an approved apprenticeship course and registered as an apprentice with the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA)
    • Use your own car, ute or van for approved work purposes (verified by your employer), or to regularly travel to or from work between 8:30 pm and 5:30 am 
    • Hold a current Victorian driver’s licence

    For more information, visit www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/registration/registration-fees/concessions-and-discounts/trade-apprentice-registration-discount.

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    Western Australia

    Travel and Accommodation Allowance

    Apprentices and trainees undertaking training funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development may be eligible to access travel and/or accommodation allowances.

    There is a minimum round trip distance which must be travelled to claim assistance.

    Visit www.dtwd.wa.gov.au for more information.