The important stuff you need to know
- The RMS Annual Survey is conducted by MEGT (Australia) Ltd (“MEGT”).
- The survey is open to all MEGT apprentices, trainees, and host employers that have been invited to complete the RMS Annual Survey.
- The survey will be open until 5.00 pm (AEST) Friday 18 December 2020.
- Your entry will automatically be submitted into the draw upon completion of the RMS Annual Survey. Your entry will only be considered if you have included your contact details.
- The winners consent to MEGT publicising their names and their RMS Annual Survey responses.
- The prize will be two Coles Group and Myer gift cards to the total value of $300: one gift card for the winning apprentice or trainee and one gift card for the winning host employer. Terms and conditions apply to the usage of the gift cards.
- The winners will be selected at the absolute discretion of MEGT. There will be no further correspondence regarding the selection process.
- MEGT will notify the winners by email by no later than 31 January 2021.
- MEGT will handle all personal information received in accordance with the MEGT Privacy Policy, which is available at