Digital Skills Cadetship Program

Digital Skills Cadetship Program


This exciting cadetship pilot program will give women who are returning to the workforce an opportunity to enter the exciting field of information technology.

We can offer your business a pool of passionate candidates who belong to one or more of the following groups:

  • Women returning to the workforce from an extended break 
  • Women from under-represented groups, such as newly arrived migrants, refugees and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • Women transitioning from underemployed industries affected by COVID-19, and other circumstances, such as retail and hospitality,

The program runs for three months, and you decide the type of skills your business needs from the three following streams:

  • Cyber security
  • Data analytics
  • Cloud-based computing

  • Title
    What are the details?

    You select the candidates who best suit your business from a shortlist and engage them in a casual hire arrangement or fixed-term contract, depending on your preference. You supervise their work as you would any other employee.

    The candidates will receive seven hours of structured learning per week (i.e. one full day), and four days of regular workplace activity as directed by you.

    Candidates will also be visited by a dedicated mentor once per fortnight to help with any questions they have or challenges they may be experiencing. 

    This program gives participants an opportunity to gain valuable, hands-on experience while they also study and work towards some valuable micro-credentials in IT. 

    While you nurture this talent, your business will benefit from their growing skill set and the opportunity to create a more diverse workplace.

    In the cyber security stream, sample tasks that candidates may be able to perform include shadowing cyber security specialists, researching current vulnerability assessment processes, and completing a review of current cyber security policies and procedures.

    Candidates for the cyber security stream, will be recruited from April–June 2022, and their training period is from July–September 2022.

    An indication of the course content and support available to candidates and employers is shown in the table below.

    Cyber security course content
    Week Structured learning Content
    1–2 Digital Skills Foundation

    Foundational digital principles and digital productivity skills

    Incorporates Microsoft Office Specialist certifications in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, plus Micro Skill in Cyber Security

    3–7     Introduction to Cyber Security (Micro Credential 1) Specialist micro-credential content in cyber security
    8–12 Intermediate Cyber Security Skills (Micro Credential 2)

    Specialist micro-credential in cyber security that builds on the prior micro-credential

    Content must cover the Microsoft SC900 Security Fundamentals content and the exam must be part of the assessment

    Bi-weekly Mentor support Bi-weekly throughout the program

    MEGT employer check-in

    Monthly throughout the program


Why should you get involved?

You’ll benefit from new and emerging talent who’ll be learning in-demand core IT skills that are needed in the workplace.  You’ll also get to see first-hand how the cadet works over a three-month period as they work alongside your team. 

Find out more

For more information about this unique opportunity to enhance your team, contact us today on          13 4767 or email us at