Tell us how we’re doing so MEGT can deliver the best possible service
Whether you’re an employer, apprentice or trainee, candidate or any other member of the community, you can expect a high level of service from MEGT.
Your views about the service we provide are important. We value your feedback and are committed to resolving matters in a fair, timely and efficient manner. All feedback, including complaints, allows us an opportunity to improve our way of doing business.
Employers, apprentices and trainees, and other interested parties may lodge a complaint, question or provide feedback about any aspect of the services provided by MEGT’s Recruitment & Management Services (RMS) division. A key aspect of our Quality Management System is a well-defined Complaints and Appeals Process and a summary of this can be found here.
Whether you’ve identified something we can improve, or had a positive experience you’d like to share, completing the form at the bottom of this page gives you an opportunity to provide your feedback and for us to take the appropriate action. In the case of complaints, the way in which these are investigated and actioned will depend on the individual and the nature of of each case.
TitleComplaints handling process
MEGT’s Recruitment & Management Services (RMS) division supports anyone who wants to make a complaint about our services, service delivery, staff, policies, processes and procedures. We are committed to providing multiple ways to lodge a complaint and to ensuring that these are well publicised, easy to understand and accessible to everyone, particularly people who may require assistance. Lodging a complaint by completing the form at the bottom of this page will ensure that it is recorded in our Complaints Register and managed according to our Complaints and Appeals Process. A summary of this can be found here. In some instances, it may be necessary to refer a complaint to the appropriate regulatory body, such as a State Training Authority (STA).
TitleWhat happens once you’ve lodged your feedback?
All feedback is referred to an appropriate staff member. We are committed to acknowledging feedback promptly and, wherever possible within 2 business days. If your feedback relates to a complaint then our staff are empowered to resolve your issue as quickly, and with as little formality as possible.
For complaints of a more serious nature, your issue will be entered into our Complaints Register and escalated to senior staff for review and management. You can expect to:
- be provided with information about our complaint handling process
- be listened to, treated with respect and not adversely affected because a complaint has been made
- have your complaint responded to in a timely and transparent manner
- be given clear reasons for decisions, and options for redress or review
TitlePrivacy statement
Your personal information is protected by the Federal Government’s Privacy Act 1988. MEGT’s Privacy Policy provides more details about the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the personal information MEGT holds about you and how you can access or seek to amend that information. More information is available here.
This information is provided as a guide only and is subject to change without notice. Information is current at time of printing.